Moonshine, 2013. Richmond Mural Project. By Etam Cru.

By Sainer in Gdynia, Poland. 2013. Photo by FOT. ALKA MURAT.

The Healer, 2013. By Bezt (Etam) and Pener (Spectrum).

Meeting the God, 2013. By Bezt.
See it animated.

High Hopes, 2013. By Sainer. Photo by Benjamin Rataud.

The Change, 2013. By Bezt.

Madame Chicken, 2013. By Etam Cru.
Polish artists Sainer and Bezt, collectively known as
Etam Cru,
paint large scale murals of surreal and frequently humerous subjects in
locations mostly around Eastern Europe. The duo traveled to the U.S.
this year to paint a wildly popular mural titled
Moonshine at the
Richmond Mural Project depicting a girl sitting inside a jar of strawberries. The piece is now available as a print over on
Art Whino. Above is a collection of their most recent work from 2013, much more of which you can see on
Facebook, the
Etam Cru blog, and on
Behance. (via
Arrested Motion)