Saturday 4 January 2014

Conspiracy to deny climate change?

The sociologist at Drexel University , Robert Brulle , quoted in an article in "The Guardian" , that there is a conspiracy in which states that conservative groups in the U.S. have spent huge sums of money to report that climate change is a myth and is not real.
According to his calculations , these groups have received more than 7,000 million dollars in the last eight years. The funding is dispersed among several large companies in Washington, as the Heritage Foundation and AEI and organizations darker as the Atlas Economic Research Foundation and the John Locke Foundation.

" This is how the wealthy corporations or individuals make their economic power into political and cultural power . Obtain their benefits and hire people to write books that say that climate change is a myth. Pagan people to go to the TV tell everyone that climate change is not real , "says the sociologist.

Robert Brulle

U.S. has so far prevented the Congress to take any action to reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases that are warming the planet.
A Washington Post article describing the views of global warming skeptics and describes the researcher William M. Gray who has " his own conspiracy theory ," saying : "They've made a list of 15 reasons for the global warming hysteria The list includes the need to come up with an enemy after the end of the Cold War, and desire. scientists , government leaders and environmentalists to find a political cause that allows them to " organize , propaganda, force conformity and exercise political influence.
" The world 's largest government could lead to a better world " In this article, Gray also cites the ascendancy of Al Gore to the vice presidency as the start of the problems with federal funds. According to Gray, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stopped giving research grants , and so did NASA.
In Latin America have made symposia as " Partnership Opportunities in Research on Climate Change in the Countries of the Pacific Alliance " , including former Mexican President Felipe Calderón is leading a study on the economics of climate change and in Chile has built a center research on the topic.

The documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle received much criticism . George Monbiot described it as " the same old conspiracy theory that has been hearing from the industry's denial of the last ten years." Similarly, in response to James Delingpole , Monbiot said his Spectator article was " the usual conspiracy theories of working to suppress the truth , which presumably now includes virtually the entire scientific community and everyone from Shell to Greenpeace and The Sun to science. "
In short , who do you believe? Is it possible that we scientists are lying just to get resources for their research ? would be a shame to create mass hysteria towards obtaining monetary resources and ultimately not work for what matters : the planet Earth and its inhabitants .
