Tuesday, 10 March 2015

How to spray paint jars

Spray painting mason jars is really easy. As in super easy. So my sharing a how to spray paint mason jars seems a bit silly …

… but, in my defense, I do have a few tips to share.

Like (1) Here’s the spray paint brand I use …


And (2) I shake that can up. A lot. And I shake in-between sprays. A lot …

… and not just because I love the sound of those beads in the can rolling around. It really does serve a purpose to keep the paint mixed up.

Then there’s (3). I spray side to side. Shake. Depress nozzle. Move from left to right. And back right to left.

Four (4) is the most important one. Especially when using this particular brand of gold spray paint. I only use one coat. Okay, one thick coat. Most spray paint instructions tell you to use multiple thin coats. But with the Valspar Metallic gold spray paint, I found that multiple coats dulls the metallic finish.  So I do that shake and depress the nozzle and move left to right. And back again right to left. And maybe a few more sweeps back and forth to make sure the coverage is complete.

And that’s it. My 4 steps for success in spray painting mason jars gold using Valspar Metallic gold spray paint.


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