Thursday, 21 August 2014

18 ways to become a true traveler and not banal tourist

Ah, the holiday! Each of us has their own idea of ​​a vacation, but it almost always comes down to one of the most exciting ways - stay. Travel is definitely worth it, but it's better to do it properly and wisely. Why turn into lazy tourist who walks on the beach, open-mouthed and occasionally snapping the shutter of the camera hanging at the navel? Enjoy every minute journey! Live life to the fullest! Become a true traveler and not banal tourist!These simple tips will help you with this.
(Total 18 photos)
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1 Remember that the country where you come from - is someone's home
It is necessary to realize as soon as possible. You can go to Disneyland, but you can go to Rome - and there, and there you will find people. But we need to understand the difference between an amusement park and a foreign country. And the difference is considerable: The aliens are people too, and the most interesting "attractions" has always known only to those who are willing to look, learn and understand.
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2 Learn about the country a little more than before to go
No, I do not need to memorize a guide or a page from "Wikipedia", but it is always nice to know where you're going. Where the locals like to spend your free time? What is culture?Tips are welcome, or by giving a tip, you can offend local worker? Of course, it is impossible to be fully prepared for anything, but both sides will make the most use if you will reduce the awkward moments with the local people to a minimum.
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3 Respect local culture
Even a little absorbed in reading materials about the country where you are going, you will learn a lot, and some of the things you can, to put it mildly, surprising. Perhaps you never knew that, despite the fact that you are traveling in the hot desert, wearing shorts and short skirts were not accepted. Perhaps in the country where you are going, there is the left hand is considered uncultured and add seasoning at the table at a party - just not right. Remember that you are a guest in this country, and therefore need to be prepared for some cultural inconsistencies (no matter how strange they may seem to you). This is sure to set you apart from the rest of "tourists".
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4 Ask for permission before photographing someone
This is very important. Besides, it is a great way to show others that you respect them. In some countries, it is considered that to be photographed - is to lose a piece of the soul, in other locals are photographed, hoping to get a tip for it. And if this street performer in bright clothes riding on exotic animals refuses to be photographed, respect his wishes.
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5 Learn a few key phrases in the language of the country you are traveling
Even if you have to string up brains. Firstly, there is nothing more awkward than a situation where you can not tell the person what you need, especially if he is willing to help, but just do not speak your language. Secondly, the locals almost always appreciate the efforts of foreigners to speak their language. Even knowing simple phrases like "hello", "please" and "thank you" to show that you are a person that can respect other people's culture.
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6 Meet people
Well, seriously, because the best that can be found abroad - they are friends. You will remember, "it's time to ..." a lot longer than some ridiculous souvenir that will break on the way home. In addition, you can learn a lot about other countries and cultures, referring to someone who lives here (or even better - if they can show you places that you did not learn from the guides).
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7 Buy local products
A good guide will take you to places where there is no pathos and mock glamor you to purchase souvenirs made by local. Firstly, it is a unique product. Secondly, buying them, you are helping artisans and towns in which they live. If you look at the statistics on how tourism stimulates the economy, you will see that the villages and towns depend on your money much more than a kiosk with souvenirs on the main square.
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8 foreigners visited the house
Nothing will give you more knowledge than the time spent at home in a foreign country with a foreign culture. There is something unique in the home food, no matter what country in question. Again, you are supporting a local family, you look into the real life of the country, and perhaps make new friends.
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9 Try local specialties
It is not necessary to fly halfway across the world to in that faraway exotic country is Burger "McDonalds" and drink his coffee from the "Starbucks." Do not be afraid of the local restaurants or street stalls with food. In the end, local feed them, so you worse? If you want a true "taste" of the country, which came, sample local specialties.
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10 Breathe
One of the main differences between travelers and tourists is the goal. Tourists mostly stupid collected pictures main attractions, though no one knows that when you walked past this Louvre just 10 minutes on the way to the Eiffel Tower. If you try to catch everything, the result did not have time. To slow down, stop and breathe deeply - that really allow you to see things as they are.
Traveling can be stressful, especially in the confusion, when you do not have time for the bus, got lost in an unknown place, or, for example, lost wallet. Stop! Stop and take a deep breath - in the end, it's just a part of an unforgettable adventure.
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11 Be spontaneous
In his spare time, designated excursions do whatever you think best at the moment, and do not be afraid to change your mind if you think that the walk back is better than going there and then. Enjoy the freedom to do what you want and, and see what you want. Your time is limited, but instead of trying to cram it all that you can, just left to chance and go with the flow.
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12 Get lost ... it's fun!
No, seriously, get lost. Then take a deep breath and remind yourself that everything is in order. Then give yourself a chance to get acquainted with the place for real, and not looking at the map. Wandered through the streets, dive into the mall, ask the road and explore the city for the first time (which, in fact, truly so).
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13 Forget about the groups walk through the city on their own
Of course, being with a group of tourists and businessmen, especially the guides always know the most interesting places and ready to iron out any culture shock. But exploring the place on your own, you can visit the same places for less money. Besides it is not necessary to wait until the rest of the crowd stops to stare at the sculpture that you're not interested, or, conversely, you can enjoy the sight of you like as long as you like, without fear that the impatient guide will start you customized.
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14 Choose the unbeaten track
It's not just about the tracks, not beaten by tour groups, but also on the roads, not beaten by anyone at all. You're sure you know a special interest in his hometown, which is not widely known? So, in other cities, there are exactly the same towns. Maybe it's time to learn about them?
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15 All the best in life - for free, no matter where you went
Stroll through the streets, climb the mountains, popleschites in ocean waves. Visit the park, watch people and just soaked with new experiences. You sure this holiday cost a lot, so it's time to enjoy the fact that this country offers, in full and free already.
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16 Use of public transport
If in doubt, do as the locals do. And all the locals (no matter what country it) use public transport. It is much cheaper, and you will surely meet a lot of interesting people and learn a lot better place.
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17 Understand that your ideal vacation can happen where you were not expecting it at all
Eternity from your last vacation, and you just want to leave. Thoughts on the palms and crystal clear water has filled your head, and you almost feel the sun on your skin and the warm white sand between your toes. And no one for miles around, except for you and your favorite book. Well, the first thing you type into Google something like "stay in the Canary Islands", as do hundreds of thousands of other such tourists every day. There is nothing wrong to go to the Canary Islands, and you will surely find the very place you dreamed ... but they will have to share with a hundred or so tourists. The faster way of holiday comes to your mind, the more likely that you are not alone. Possible to create your perfect holiday, you need to dig a little in detail. Fortunately, there are millions of other equally beautiful and amazing islands around the world, where you will not be disturbed.
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18 Travel
It does not matter who you are - advanced traveler, homey tourist, true "Magellan" or something in between, the most important thing - just travel. We live on an amazing planet full of miracles, which is not enough for a lifetime. But it should at least try to see them. As much as possible. As often as possible.


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