In 2008, David LaFerriere decided to surprise his kids at school, drawing on the sandwich bags he packed in their lunches.

The kids loved it, so he kept drawing.

Every day at lunch they’re greeted with a new creation that their dad has made for them.

Not to mention a fun reminder that lets them know their dad is thinking about them while he’s at work.

Sometimes his drawings are very straightforward.

With some graphic-design humor sprinkled in, since that’s Ferriere’s occupation.

Sometimes his drawings transform the way that you see the sandwich itself.

Like when the bread becomes a creature.

Or a lilypad for a frog to hang out on.

Or a den for a bear drinking its morning coffee.

Or a different lunch altogether.

Or one that’s been partially eaten already.

Sometimes his drawings get philosophical.

Or wishful.

Or inquisitive.

Sometimes they’re just downright clever.

I mean, really, look at that bubble incorporation!