Sunday, 12 January 2014

A Table Lights Up Lamps Remotely Using Electromagnetic Energy

 The ‘EM table’ designed by london-based florian dussopt design studio produces a localized electromagnetic field when switched on. the experimental object allows users to interact with an energy that is otherwise invisible. the surrounding waves light up fluorescent tubes within a short range without any physical contact. an electronic circuit is embedded in the table and turns a low current into an electromagnetic field, acting directly on the gas within the fluorescent tube. it is advised that electronic devices should be kept away when the table is switched on, the research aims at exploring less known aspect of energies, electromagnetic possibilities and new interactions.

EM (“ElectroMagnetic”) table is an experimental object able to produce a localised electromagnetic field when switched on. This field lights up fluorescent tubes within a short range without any physical contact.

Product Development Assistants :
Jonathan Joanes
Emmanuel Adeusi

Photography & Video :
Bart Pajak


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