Guys. These dogs are huge.
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1. Zeus, king of dog, man, house.

They had to empty the house of furniture because Zeus here would accidentally drag it across the room as he walked to the water bowl.
2. Divana the Devine

Divana never lost her love of big 80s hair. She’s fabulous and she doesn’t need to make a big deal about it. She wishes Glenda, her owner, would try to do herself up once in awhile. Here the pair are, posing for a church directory photo.
3. Big Bruno the Bashful Pool Dog

Bruno is just chilling, but secretly, he’s hoping Mindy goes for a dip so he can talk with Samantha alone. <3
4. George the Gentle Giant

George gets up every morning and pours cereal in a bowl for Mindy. Mindy hears the packaging rustling and comes running downstairs all excited to eat and get the day started.
5. Steven the Fearful Fluffball
6. Rufus the Canine Stepping Stool

Rufus understands how difficult it can be for his little masters to reach the craft table. He’s happy to lend a helping hand, errrr… head.
7. Gerald the Comfortable

Gerald always loved curling up in Daphne’s lap when he was puppy. He’s never shed the habit, even though he’s put on 150 lbs.
8. Perkins the Polite

Perkins has good manners. When he goes to the vet, he refuses to sprawl on the floor. Instead, he sits in a chair quietly until the veterinarian will see him. He is annoyed that they don’t have the latest edition of Southern Living.
9. Rosco just wants to dance.

After watching Silver Linings Playbook, Rosco has been trying to get Belinda to enter a dance competition with him. He wants to practice day and night.
10. Vince the Vigilant

Is that a can opener? Is that a cat? Is that another dog? Does that dog smell me? I’m smelling something. Am I smelling a cat? Is that a can opener?
11. Snow Breeze the Similar

Snow Breeze and Mira are the exact same size and weight. They swap clothes, ride together on roller coasters, and share banana splits because neither of them can ever finish one alone. Well… Snow Breeze can.
12. Fizzy the Frantic Flight Fanatic

Ever since he was a pup, Fizzy has wanted to fly. His owner, Mark Russberg, just can’t keep his energetic companion grounded. The two were conversing about Chinese solar-panel tariffs when Fizzy saw a Cessna in the sky. Attention: gone.
13. Sampson the Soothing

Wendy is reading a heart-wrenching article on the struggles of rural women in Ethiopia. Sampson just wants to remind her that there is still love in the world.
14. Mutton, Muffin, and Moxie– the Seismic Sisters.

Once upon a time, there was a little woman named Sue Ellen who lived in a little cabin in the woods with three humongous sister dogs: Mutton–commander and the leader, Muffin–she is the joy and laughter, Moxie–and she’s the toughest fighter, seismic sisters save the day!
15. Harry the… well… Hairy.

Harry is model thin under that thick fur coat. He’s a slave to fashion, but now that Beyonce is sporting the short do, he’s got to follow suit.