Monday, 30 December 2013

The Dead Sea, As You've Never Seen Before

The length of the Dead Sea, 37 kilometers and width of 15.7 kilometers the depth from its surface relative to the surface of the Mediterranean reaches amounts to 417 m. The total area the Dead Sea 945 square kilometers. The deepest point if it stands at 401 meters and it's divided by the Tongue peninsula into two unequal , southern swamp is salty and has a depth of 6 to 8 meters ...

Threat to the Dead Sea with extinction due to low amounts of water which flow into it, as the suction of water from the Yarmouk River and the Jordan River by Israel and Jordan, sharply reduced the amount of water that reaches to the Dead Sea, which is threatened by drought. Among the projects proposed to save the Dead Sea highlights a Plan to make a canal from the Red Sea or the Mediterranean Sea to the liquefaction of salt water into the Dead Sea, but this project is disputed because of fear of experts from the repercussions of unexpected may have negative effects on the environment and the composition of the Dead Sea, and because of the cost of enormous .

which leads to a decline in the level of high water of the Dead Sea up to 80 cm, and this poses a real threat if it is not to stop and take the necessary procedures.


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