Thursday, 21 November 2013

Kanye West invited lectures at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard

After performing their interests in the creative world clear through the many interviews he has given , Kanye West took his ideas to an academic field in Sunday night with a lecture at Harvard University. His talk covered inspiring architecture , fashion and self-realization to a packed room of eager listeners. You can read the transcript of his lecture below or watch the video here .

So after walking around here I decided I wanted to make sure no one That I had no tickets for tonight might have all the tickets for the show. So anyone who wants to come tonight, do tickets for the entire office ! [ Applause , MAD LAUGHING ]

But I just wanted to tell you guys : The truth is that I think the world may be saved through the design, and everything that needs to be done " Architected " And this is the reason that even some of the staff were first architects Que Donda started designing . t instead of buildings. But just to see the work actually be updated.

If I'm talking to Oprah for 2 hours , the conversation is about the realization , self-fulfillment and creativity really see happening in front of you. So the reason that I appear much in interviews is because I tried to create meaning and be able to impact and affect positively.

And I know there's more creativity to happen. And I know there Que Que traditionalists hold good thoughts and there are people in offices That stop creative people , and [ that ] are intimidated by the actual good ideas.

I think utopia 's really possible - but we are guided by the less noble , less worthy , less tasteful, the dumbest and most political . So in no way am I a politician - I'm usually at my best politically incorrect moment [ laughs ] and very direct . I really appreciate you willingness to learn and hone their craft , and not be lazy about creating .

I'm very inspired to be in this space. Tonight, this show , if you come to see him - one, I'm a little shy because I'm showing architects. [Laughs ] So the scenario has flaws in it . [ Laughs] It's an expression of emotion so that gives me a pass on that. And that's basically all I have to say thank you so much .


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