Tuesday, 19 November 2013

12 Most Motivating Reasons To Work Out

12 Most Motivating Reasons To Work Out
We all know that we should drive (and eat well) and we know why. It's good for us. The truth is "fitnesscizing" is good for every part of your body - the muscles, bones, tendons, heart, even the blood, skin and just about every cell in your body. Not to mention it is "youngifying" and makes you look great. But for some reason you do not, or can not continue to do so. These reasons can pull yourself out of work on the restoration hump shape and finally get you moving!

1. Smaller clothes look better on you

Of course they do. Not only they look better, they feel better and you feel cool wearing them. This comes with the extra accessory of “confidence.”

2. Prevention

When you’re younger, it’s expected that we take our health for granted. But as life presses forward we learn, often the hard way, that life gets extremely difficult when we’re sick or injured. There’s no one that really relies on us when we were young, but with time comes responsibility and we realize there’s no time to be sick, or in pain. Working out can actually cure and reverse disease, not to mention prevent them all together.

3. The dealing property

When I was writing this one, I actually meant to write, “healing” but perhaps by Freudian slip, both ways are right. Not only does kicking your own a$$ get out the frustrations of your day, but when you’re done, you have a different perspective on whatever problems or situations you’re dealing with. At the very least, you’ve let off some steam and decompressed which is where you need to be to get into “solution- mode” when things get tough.

4. The mirror works better

Lets be honest – most fitness starts in the mirror. We look, scrutinize, examine (from every angle), make faces of horror, and perhaps even grab a piece of “layer” to see how far it will stretch. Fitness is often an outside-in process. You’re motivated to change the outside, but when it does, the inside is transformed.

5. Positive focus of energy

Aren’t you tired of the all the self-talk about what to eat, what you shouldn’t be eating, what you shouldn’t have eaten, what to wear, what makes you look thin…it’s exhausting, stressful, and time consuming. If you just devoted 3-4 hours a week (out of 168 hours in a week) you could shut this little voice up once and for all.  It takes less energy to workout than it does to beat yourself up all the time for not working out.

6. It’s cheaper than anti-depressants.

No matter what’s going on in your life, when you finish a good workout you just feel good. You almost always have more energy, feel invigorated, and problems look a little different when you leave the gym than when you walked in. You need nothing more than your body and some dumbbells.

7. You won’t have to spend hours in a changing room

You’ll know what size fit you and almost everything will look and feel good.

8. Endorphins actually do make you feel high

It’s not a myth. You really do have this great happiness-high after a good workout (or run). It’s comprised of all kinds of chemical reactions in the body, but it also includes an intense feeling of accomplishment and self-pride which you can’t get from real drugs.

9. Strength and confidence look great on you

And it doesn’t just show up on your body, it shows up in your attitude. You become more positive, helpful and downright charming. People may not know what’s changed, they’ll just know something’s “different”, in a good way.

10. You get smarter

Maybe not IQ-wise (though some studies suggest you do), but life-wise. When you start consistently working out, you gain more energy, and more energy makes you feel more alert, and more alert helps you in all aspects of getting through your day. Try a workout at the start your day and just see if it doesn’t make your mind clearer and better focused. If you can’t get it in until the evening, it spills over into the next day.

11. Your kids are watching

Be a good role model. Kids don’t care what you say, they watch what do. Give them the tools they need now so they don’t have to struggle like you’ve had to. You’re not denying them by not letting them eat junk, you’re protecting their health for the future. No one can eat whatever they want and stay healthy, not even children.

12. You’ll look and feel incredible

If this is your motivation, so be it. Just know, that if you want to feel better and look fabulous forever, don’t buy into those “lose 30 lb. in a week” schemes. They don’t “stick”. When you read these “diets” ask yourself, can I eat and live this way forever?
Start “healthifying” now and you’ll have what you want soon… and soon is so close.


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